Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Easy to say, object oriented programming is one kind programming procedure. Here a programmer can make abstract data type to use encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism features.
We know that program is group to data and instruction. Program is depend on data or instruction. Structured programming is depend on instruction and program will be executed from these instruction. An another side, object oriented programming is depend on data and execute from the data.
Object Oriented Programming Language is a language where we written object oriented program. For written OOP Language, we can use C++, Java etc. [ Now we use C++ ]
Generally object oriented programming depend on six basic element :
1. objects
2. classes
3. messages
4. encapsulation
5. inheritance
6. polymorphism
· Objects : Object is instance of class. Suppose we define a class name account and this class has two element like account_name, account_no and we define an object of account class is shojib. This shojib object is reference of account class. Object has two part, attributes and behaviors. Define attributes by variables and behaviors by function in our program.
· Classes : In object oriented program class is group of objects. Every class has an object with attributes and behaviors. Attributes and behaviors is define inside the class. Another word, In our program, class is logical representation and object is physical representation.
· Messages : In OOP, information is send from object to object. For this operation, define a class for that the messages can be share by all objects.
· Encapsulation : Making a class with attributes and behaviors of objects is called encapsulation.
· Inheritance : A class can be share something from another classes in OOP. This procedure is called inheritance. Which class share from other class is called base class and other class is derived class.
· Polymorphism : Polymorphism means many forms. In OOP, it is possible to define object in many structure.
[ * Detail discuss later about these features. ].
Written by ‘Shojib’
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