Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Episode 4 : Adding tables to a database with SQL queries

You can use the CREATE query to add tables to a database. The query begins with the CREATE TABLE statement, as follows:

CREATE TABLE tablename

Then, you add a list of column names with definitions. Separate the information for each column from the information for the following column by a comma. Enclose the entire list in parentheses. Follow each column name by its data type and any other definitions required. The last item in a CREATE TABLEquery indicates which column or combination of columns is the primary key. You specify the primary key by using the following format:

PRIMARY KEY(columnname)

Enclose the columnnamein parentheses. If you’re using a combination of columns as the primary key, include all the column names in the parentheses, separated by commas. For instance, you could designate the primary key as

PRIMARY KEY (columnname1,columnname2).

A complete CREATE TABLE query has the following format:

CREATE TABLE tablename (
columnnamedatatype definition1 definition2 ...,
columnnamedatatype definition1 definition2 ...,
PRIMARY KEY(columnname) )

Listing shows the CREATE TABLE query used to create the Customer table of the CustomerOrderInformation database. You could enter this query on a single line if you wanted to. MySQL doesn’t care how many lines you use. The format shown in Listing  simply makes the query easier for you to read. This human-friendly format also helps you spot typos.

Listing  An SQL Query for Creating a Table

CustomerID    SERIAL,
lastName      VARCHAR(50),
firstName     VARCHAR(40),
street        VARCHAR(50),
city          VARCHAR(50),
state         CHAR(2),
zip           CHAR(10),
email         VARCHAR(50),
phone         CHAR(15),
fax           CHAR(15),
PRIMARY KEY(customerID) )

Written by ‘Shojib’.

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