Sunday, 18 December 2011

Episode 1 : HTML Basic

What is HTML ?

We can create a web page for our website using HTML. The complete name of HTML is “Hyper Text Markup Language”. Usually it is not a programming language like “C Programming or Java”, just it is a combination of markup tags. We use HTML for describe our web page or website.

HTML Document :

HTML documents describe our webpage or website. At first we said that HTML just a combination of markup tags so HTML document contains some HTML tags and some plane text. Browser read these HTML document and show the result in browser display but browser do not show the HTML tags. So we need a browser ( Internet Explorer, Mozila Firefox , Opera, Crome , Safari etc.) to show our web page.
We write the HTML document in notepad or other web page editor ( like Note pad ++ 5.0, HTML Kit, Dreamwaver etc.) and save the document into .html extension.

HTML Structure :

The main structure of HTML is given below :

<html>  // HTML start
                Title of the website 
           </title> // End of Title
      </head>  // End of Head
<body> // Body start
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 It is the body of web page. Here write all HTML tags and others text .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
</body>   // End of body
</html> Finish HTML.

Caution : All HTML tags start with < tag name > symbol and end with 
     < / tag name > [ Look at the structure . ]

Written by “Shojib”

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