When we create a web site, we need to write so many heading. Now we write these heading for our web site using HTML.
There are six type of heading tags. There are < h1 > to < h6 >. Here ,<h1> is the biggest size from other heading tags and <h6> is the smallest size heading from others.
Let’s see with example :
<html> <head> <title> Heading page </title> </head> <body> <h1> This is Heading 1 </h1> <h2> This is Heading 2 </h2> <h3> This is Heading 3 </h3> <h4> This is Heading 4 </h4> <h5> This is Heading 5 </h5> <h6> This is Heading 6 </h6> </body> </html> |
Now save this with .html extension ( like, heading.html ) and open this on your browser. Result is like below :
This is Heading 1 This is Heading 2 This is Heading 3 This is Heading 4 This is Heading 5 This is Heading 6 |
Written by “Shojib”
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