HTML Paragraph
Many time we need to write some paragraph in our webpage and this work done by HTML paragraph tag < p >. This tag start with <p> and end with </p> and input the text inside this tag.
Example :
<html> <head> <title>Paragraph Page </title> </head> <body> <p> This is our paragraph . </p> <p> This is our paragraph </p> </body> </html> - - - --- - ----------------------------------------- Save it and open your browser. Rusult : This is our paragraph. This is our paragraph. |
Line Break :
In default, when we write a text line , it is show in our browser in one line . We need a new line. So we now use HTML break tag. The symbol of break tag is <br /> and end command is inside this tag.
Example :
<html> <head> <title>Line Break </title> </head> <body> Bangladesh is our mother land. We speak our mother language Bangla. Our country is so beautiful. <br /> Bangladesh is our mother land. <br />We speak our mother language Bangla. <br />Our country is so beautiful. </body> </html> Save it and open in your browser. Result : Bangladesh is our mother land. We speak our mother language Bangla. Our country is so beautiful. Bangladesh is our mother land. We speak our mother language Bangla. Our country is so beautiful. |
Look at this example, at first we write three sentence in different line but browser show it in one line and secondly, we write three sentence in one line and use <br / > tag in every line and browser show these text in different line.
I hope you are all understand the use of <br /> tag.
Written by “Shojib”
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